
Guys it’s been crazy!

But I’m so happy to be back and back for good; I have a great explanation, I swear!

It has been quite a journey living here in Southern Oregon!
A place that I now know I was drawn to for a multitude of reasons (most of which I shared with you in previous posts):

1. I met the love of my life, James, with whom I have lived with for over a year now.

2. & My amazing fur baby kitty named Magic.

3. My deep need to heal from over-productivity and master taking care of myself.

As much as I miss the beach that I used to call home, there is something magical about being within a 50 mile radius from Mount Shasta. I now can firsthand say, just like there are vortexes around Sedona, there too are definitely vortexes around Mount Shasta. And where I am currently living is a powerful place for healing in some profound ways.

Here in Southern Oregon it calls to you to slowwww down. Nothing is rushed. Which when I first moved here freaked me out. It’s technically considered a small town ‘country’ area, but there’s quite a lot going on here. And when I first moved here I was having a hard time adapting to the change of pace, because my whole life was always on fast forward.

I now know I was drawn here to not only allow myself to heal from INTENSE burn out, but to open my eyes to the damage living a life so far out of balance can cause.

So I took this hiatus to allow myself to gather my energy and return fully energized (and this time with a much more healthy mindset).

Now I don’t know if you knew this, but before when I was living in Florida there were days where I worked 60+ hours a week, was in college on and off, and at one point even working as many as 5 jobs in a week (not including this site!) I was a whirlwind of over-productive. Working two jobs a day most days, where the only thing I could do for myself was take a small two hour window in between jobs and nap on the beach.

A lot of people asked me in the past “How do you afford to travel to all these cool places and do what you do?” And my honest answer was that I saved for it. I worked hard at those extra jobs so I could travel and explore, instead of spending it on bars every weekend and going out to eat. It wasn’t easy, but it proved to me that it is possible.

But what I’m realizing now that I wish I learned earlier was how much I was UNDER selling myself. How so much of my skills and heart were poured into people, and things that were taken advantage due to the fact that I had low self-esteem and not a whole lot of confidence in certain areas. But I don’t blame them, if I didn’t know my worth, and value that I had to offer than how could they? Like hello! I was giving away coaching and consulting advice all the time to anyone who would ask me (or not ask me depending on the situation). I just love to help people. I love watching people grow beyond their own doubts and limitations. I love watching the spark in their eyes and the rise in their energy when they realize miraculous truths about themselves. Ironically I couldn’t see that I obviously need that too, until now.

Here in this little vortex, part of the healing that was revealed to me is how much I have to offer and how powerful it is. And the thing that has been weighing me down since high school is no longer necessary with its old operating system: Being Over Productive. Because without taking care of yourself it’s only a matter of time before you crash and burn.

I thought that I would never slow down because “it’s just apart of who I am” until I landed in a place that forced me to heal before I officially ran myself into the ground. The energy here pulled out all the stops, and the more I fought it the more drained I became. It felt like I kept repeatedly hitting an energetic brick wall that never existed before in Florida. With each push I tried to push to create new content and go back to what I was doing before, I found my energy completely depleted.

To be honest, I cried a lot. I prayed a lot. And I did more meditation than I ever have before (this past summer at one point I meditated for 3 hours in a day). And slowly but surely things started to make sense. Layers began to peel back as these realizations started to occur, and along with it my energy started to finally come back with my creativity.

When my tarot card spread for the year revealed “Sacrifice” as my theme for the year I had no idea what was in store for me, now I understand. I had to sacrifice my old ways and patterns in order to become who I am now. The thing that I probably identified most with, had to be released: that my worth was tied to my productivity (which unfortunately this is a trend amongst most people in North America). And now here I stand, finally on the other side. I know there’s much more ahead that I need to learn, as is life. But this has been a HUGE one for me.

During this year I spent most of it asking myself the questions, “What is my purpose?”, “What do I want to do most?”, “How can I best be of service?”. And what came up for me that is to be a Life Coach (surprise). Now if you’ve followed me for awhile now you know that this isn’t really new news. But what is new is that I got very serious about it and spent some pretty pennies for an intensive accelerated ICF Wellness Life Coach certified program. I’ve since graduated from it, but man was it an eye opener! I got the opportunity to practice what life coaching with 6 other people in a virtual classroom (zoom), and it filled my heart with such joy. It felt so right to me and exciting to be so committed. This was a game changer for me.

But then came the other daunting part. What did I want to coach & be a consultant for? What from my past have I learned so intensely that could help others out with? What is something that makes my heart sing and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life?…

I found my main problem is that I have too many ideas and that they are all so similar. As this website is a perfect example of all that I love:

Heart centered advice, coaching, travel, yoga, healthy food, tea, you get the idea. There’s lots!

So I spent the past week REALLY focused on this. I mean super focused. So focused I pulled out one of my “special occasion notebooks” that I keep for when I really need to have something special dedicated to one book… And I got to writing. And something magical happened as the ideas started to pour in, my creativity started to open up again and the exhaustion I had been feeling for MONTHS lifted. And as I wrote, things started to come together. I could feel that I was onto something big but I wasn’t sure what, all I knew was that I was combining all the things that I love. Just writing them down to put them out there, but it wasn’t specific enough, so I got more specific.

And then it finally hit me, like a water balloon falling on top of my head, except filled with electric joy.

At 6am, on a Monday morning.

My brain was just starting to wake up where I left off the night before, focused on specifics of what I’m meant to spend my life focused on and helping others with… Then my brain suddenly started making connections it had never made before in that lucid state. Things were coming together and making more sense than they ever had, specifically around what I need to teach, coach, inspire, and continue learning more about. And that’s when all the connections lit up and spelled it out for me.

Can you guess what it is?

Self Care.

Self Care lit up boldly in gold within my mind as the missing link that has been my obsession/focus for YEARS. Flying under my radar without a specific word to describe it because it just felt so natural to me. Self care in Mind, Body, AND Spirit. Before I feel like my focus was primarily on the spiritual, but it’s a trifecta and I have LOTS to share on the other very important two as well.

So here’s where the specific came through:
That I want to help successful, powerful women who already have all the business groove down (or are working diligently on it), learn how to TRULY take care of their beautiful selves!(Inside and out).

To put it shortly anyway.
And I’m open to this evolving in the future, but for now I want to help teach women BALANCE (because heads up that’s what Self Care is). Balance with taking care of their mind, body, and spiritual practices. Something that our society truly needs at this time of hyper speed in the world.

This is what will increases real happiness and contentment within life and your relationship to the world around you.

For the past 10 years my life has revolved around the bettering of and healing of self. And as I explored/tried,I succeeded, and failed at a lot of it! Never realizing that I have a lot more to share than I’ve previously given myself credit for. I plan on writing A LOT more now that these floodgates have opened for me and my creativity is finally back in action.

Just goes to show that sometimes we have plans for ourselves and (SHOCKER) life has bigger ones for us. And while we’re off crying about how the plans we want to work aren’t, the universe is busy shouting at us is all different kinds of ways that there’s something better! And from what I’ve recently learned, when you ignore what you’re meant to be doing long enough, life makes things much more difficult to FORCE you into reverse. Not because life hates you, but because life has so much MORE in store for you than what our limited perspective could imagine.

I’m going to leave it on that note because I have so much more to share, but there will be other time and posts for that very soon.

And I hope that if you’re currently in a hard place and confused with why the universe is doing this to you, that you too can find a way to back out of your own confusion and open yourself up to seeing the possible connection of dots that are repeatedly being sent to you.

Thank you for your wonderful time and energy and I hope to see you again very soon, much love,
