Are You An Entrepreneurial Spirit?


The Entrepreneurial Spirit.

The need to create and make your own way in the world…

Here are the three major signs to know if you are meant to be an Entrepreneur in this life or not:

  1. You absolutely hate people telling you what to do. And I don’t mean in the basic way that most people are bothered… I mean it rattles your cage much more than most. That it perhaps in your own opinion is one of the worst things you can encounter while working. So in order to avoid the constant nagging you find yourself going above and beyond in your work, so you can avoid people having to tell you what to do (which for some reason fails anyway).
  2. You find a constant work routine of 9-5, doing the same repetitive, mind numbing crap, the death of your soul. Some people like routine and not having to deal with really difficult situations all the time. I get that, it’s cool. No judgment here on that. But those with the Entrepreneurial Spirit can’t do it. If this is you, you probably jump around from job to job in order to experience new challenges and growth. Because this is the number one thing an Entrepreneurial Spirit is seeking… constant growth and creative problem solving. The Entrepreneurial Spirit suffocates in an environment where they have meaningless work and feel like what they do has no real impact on anything.
  3. Have a lot of passion and drive. For every Entrepreneur has some serious drive to go out there and get things done. They might not know how, or even what they want to do yet… but they know that they definitely want to do anything other than working a repetitive job. Usually possess a lot of inner strength along with the passion.

If you could relate to at least two of the above then congratulations you are probably an Entrepreneurial Spirit!

And if these questions did not resonate with you, perfectly okay too. I don’t mean to put down any of the usual jobs, it’s just a meer projection of my own feelings on that type of situation for me and others who prefer to create their own path. Nothing wrong with helping someone else build their own dream and having financial security/ less stress/ many other benefits. If that’s what brings happiness to your world, by all means, continue moving to that beat.

Now for those who realize that they are for sure an Entrepreneur at heart…

I have good news and bad news for you.

Bad News:

  • You are a 100% responsible for building your own business. Nobody to blame but yourself, are you ready for that?
  • It is going to take probably a decent amount of investment money (most likely your own) in order to get it up and running to any extent. It’s a building process.
  • Lots of problem solving on things you have no idea about yet. This can indeed be frustrating and defeating sometimes… (you have no idea how many times I’ve struggled building this site on my own).
  • Most likely will put too many things on your plate at once and possibly burn out… OR start really strong, not see enough results as quick as you would like… and abandon the project (yeah I am looking at your perfectionists)! You WILL need down time, and you WILL need dedicated business time. Balance.
  • It can (and likely will) take a year (or a few) to really get it off the ground. You need to believe in your own business through the thick and the thin… otherwise no one else will.
  • Your life will revolve around you business. Read again the whole “you will need down time“… You might even find yourself still brainstorming for your business during this time… try not to.
  • Probably feeling overwhelmed by the above. Breathe, you are not the first one nor the last to go through the building process. It is going to be okay.

Good News:

  • You are 100% responsible for your own business. Which means no one is breathing down your back about if something is good enough or not. Your call, your rules (which is awesome by the way). Best part is if you need a second opinion (or six), you can always ask on your terms. And damn does it feel good.
  • You are investing your time in money in something that you truly believe in and feels right to you. What is better than that? Besides covering basic needs, what better way to spend your time and money?? Scrolling facebook all day? Paying for lots of TV Streaming channels to waste your life in?? No… Building your own business saves your brain and makes your life more meaningful. It’s always worth it regardless of if your first attempt works or not. Continued effort proves prosperous.
  • Lots of problem solving on things you have no idea about. Believe it or not this is the fun part. You get to learn cool new stuff that can not only benefit your life but anyone else who wants to know. You get to dive into ALL the places and see where you surprisingly excel and become more knowledgeable on your weaknesses as well. Important stuff.
  • Learning how to master balance within your life. You absolutely have to practice balance if you are to become a successful Entrepreneur. Sink or swim. The beautiful thing about this blessing in disguise is that it pours over into other areas of your life. You learn to better organize and prioritize everything, as well as how precious your time really is (which is SUPER important by the way).
  • It’s good it takes awhile to get things going. You know why? No, it’s not because god wants to punish you into learning patience (although learning patience is definitely part of the process). It’s because in the beginning we might not be super clear on what it is exactly that we want. We might think we got it ALL down. That we are 100% on what excites us and will work… and then be surprised six months later when we realize that neither is the case. God knows I learned this the hard way (too many examples to name here, perhaps in a future personal blog post). I’ve learned enough over the years of building this business to know that rarely our first leap is our last. It’s good these things take time because it helps us refine our joy. Stick to your main joy, and further refine it every day. You get closer to what you want and better with the process of refinement.
  • Your life will revolve around your business. This is pretty fantastic in my opinion, because your life revolves around what you  want to do and create. It’s not really such a hassle when you wake up excited to tackle your issues of the day pertaining to your business when you know it’s working towards building your dream. Call me a workaholic, but I truly find it fulfilling to put my life into my business (perhaps you will find similar peace).
  • Feeling excited to lead your own life. Sure there is some anxiety involved, but it’s the good kind too. If you heart jumps for joy at the thought of building your own life, then you know that this is the right path for you, persistence is key. As long as you take a step every single day towards building your dream, you will make progress.

If you hadn’t already noticed I made a Positive and Negative for almost the same statement of each to make a point.

That one of the most major components to starting your own business is your perspective.

It can either make or break you.

It is important to remember to see the bright side behind “bad news”, and see the learning lessons even behind the “good news”.

A balanced perspective.

It’s what makes you the best creative problem solver!

It’s all about perspective.

If you would like to know about my backstory on how I discovered that I most definitely possessed an Entrepreneurial Spirit you can click here, and see my own personal discovery.

I hope that this post helped you get clear on your intention. <3

With much love till next time,
