
Hesitation on the fence of fear.

Perhaps the biggest curse in life is to always be on the fence…

To suffer from so much indecision about anything out of fear of discomfort.

To be on the fence about relationships, travel, careers, and all the other decisions in life. To be in perpetual paralysis, fear of moving forward.

Those who spend their lives always on the fence, never get to experience taking the leap into the field of life.

The irony is that those who consistently sit on the fence their whole lives out of fear of failure, judgment and other uncomfortable feelings… end up with probably the most uncomfortable fate of all.

For when they get to the end of their life to realize that they were simply an observer the whole time is perhaps the worst thing imaginable…

So do make those uncomfortable choices that will bring you the most growth and experience. Take those leaps of faith.


Don’t put it off till next week, month, year. Do it today. Otherwise you might blink and realize it’s too late.

Don’t just be an observer in your own life.

Be an active participant who follows their heart.

With love I speak my truth so you can speak yours,
