
This is my corresponding article to my Youtube video “True To Your Heart”.

Which you can watch here, if you would like a shortened video version!

The first step towards feeling completely alive and present in your existence is to finally acknowledge how much you’ve been blocking out in your life. All the times when emotions have risen within you, and instead of turning inward to experience them you became fearful/ disregarded them. All the times you felt hurt and decided to “toughen up”, to carry onward by putting those emotions aside. And those times you were so overwhelmed with emotions that instead of allowing them to express themselves fully, instead you would rush to go out and drink with friends instead.

Those times. Those are the times I’m talking about. Those moments when the emotions are so intense, that the last thing you would possibly want to do is sit there and feel them even stronger.

The irony of it all is that we see emotions as weak. As something to be avoided. But the truth of the matter is that this couldn’t be anymore distant from the truth. It is only for the brave to live from the heart and experience everything fully. It is only the strong that feel these intense emotions and decided to not turn the other way. And I challenge you to try and explore these feelings more next time these emotions rise to the surface.

Often when we have been holding back these strong emotions for long periods of time, it manifests into our life with intensifying anger, anxiety, or withdrawing from everything all together.

These are the telltale signs of emotions trying to come to the surface ino order to be released.

When you finally do decide in the moment to face your emotions, you may find an intense aversion within your mind to such actions. It takes some awareness practices to really reel you in within these moments. And once you finally allow yourself to experience these strong feelings, the next steps to keep in mind are these:

  1. Don’t be mad at yourself for feeling this way.
  2. Be patient with yourself as you work into these emotions.
  3. Don’t be afraid of the pain you may feel in your chest during this release. With it comes liberation, peace, and a weight lifted off your shoulders.
  4. As the experience builds you may find that you start to release lots of other emotions. Emotions that have been repeatedly suppressed due to not being present with your emotions for so long. With this you may feel more pangs of pain with the furthering of release… Memories may flood your mind while this happens.
  5. Don’t judge yourself for whatever is coming up, accept as it comes.
  6. Honor yourself afterward for being brave enough to finally face your feelings and own up to them.
  7. Take a moment to enjoy the peace and energy that has come from this experience.
  8. If you’re still feeling lots of emotions, try the process again for there may be more that needs to be released.
  9. Repeat until you do feel the peace, that is when you know you’ve released all that you can within this present moment for the time being.

Things to know once you’ve completed this experience is that this will definitely happen again (and needs to happen again). But you might be excited for it next time you go through this process. For such releases usually have beautiful feelings to follow afterwards that can often feel a little addictive!

So now you’ve opened your heart and experienced your real emotions what do you do now?

You live from that space.

That’s what it feels like when you live from your heart consistently!

It’s the secret to living such a rich, fulfilling life. It’s the secret to having all those deep connections with friends, family, relationships, and ‘strangers’ everywhere. It’s truly the key to living your life to the fullest…

Living life through the lens of the heart.

When you start to do this, you’ll know. Because you will probably be crying A LOT more… and you will welcome it. Now I am not just talking about tears of sadness either, I’m talking about tears of happiness and joy as well!

You may watch a documentary on something important and start balling your eyes out. You may see an elderly couple at the airport reuniting and begin to feel very emotional. You may witness someone close to you achieve something magnificent and you cry tears of happiness for them. You are literally feeling all the feels! Aaaand it’s beautiful.

These are some of the signs that will help you know when you are living from your heart. You become a warrior of your own emotions and feel everything very intensely. You welcome it. This takes life to a whole other level of experience that most will never witness unfortunately.

It may will be hard at times to constantly live from this space, simply because of the fact that it is a lot. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t. But it is the most beautiful way to live in my experience, for you live life connected to all things. Their pain and joy is our pain and joy.

This is the next step in human consciousness, and it glorious!

Being in tune with your heart, and what’s going on around you should never be frowned upon. It may be hard, but not everything worth doing in life is easy… this is one of those things.

Stay true to your heart, and face the depth of your emotions with a brave heart.

With love and light I honor you.

Thank you for reading, till next time
